Hey there, I’m Junior Carvalho.

I’m a developer.

I like to solve problems through code and like to experiment with new technologies and frameworks, I’m what they used to say “a generalist”. I find it difficult to fit in a specific job position because my curiosity and eagerness to learn all sorts of things led me to get in touch with several languages and technologies.

Lately, I have been more focused in the Devops role, where I can integrate my passion for the whole stack of development and experiment a bit with all parts of software, especially the delivery.

On this website, I share all my struggles, adventures, and challenges I had with software development so far in a hope I can help others that have passed to the same situations.

I am still in a learning process and will be forever, but it does not mean I cannot share my learning process with you.

I hope you enjoy the content!

“What we know is a drop. What we don’t know is an ocean” [Isaac Newton]